Saturday, October 15, 2011

Rolling along

We keep rolling along.  The landscaping is complete for the year and we only have siding and garage doors to finish outside.  We had to change siding contractors because it was dragging on too long.  We like the new guy, that should be completed in the next couple of weeks (we hope).

Our neighbor Rick and his crew did the landscaping.  We really are happy with how it's turned out.  Lots of interesting areas, lots of opportunities for Laura to enjoy gardening.

We are getting up some speed inside too.  Larua has the beams (almost) finished, that was a big job of routing, sanding and staining.  I've been working on the radiant heating.  There is 4500 feet of tubing to install on the bottom of the main floor and I'm almost halfway done.  Laura and I are both getting used to sore neck and sholders.

Besides that we have water and septic and an indoor toilet!

Feel free to stop by and chat, we enjoy it.  It's interesting that about 1/4 of the people who stop we don't really know... just interested to see it...