Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It feels SO good... do do do do do do do...
We have a new concrete guy who actually shows up!!  (Go, Dave...)
We expect to have a foundation by the end of the week (6/24/11.)
 You can see the view from the house; the tops of the concrete forms are at about ground level.   The hunk of dirt at the left end (surrounded by concrete forms) will be under the screened porch.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Getting a foothold

We now have a footings!  Yea!  Finally we have some new material on the site.  This afternoon after reforming the forms and repairing the cement pump, the footings got poured.  Here's a pic.  Click on it to make it big...

The other thing I have is a movie of the hole digging.  It's a weeks worth of video squeezed into 60 seconds.   Enjoy.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


What a beautiful day for a flight.  I flew to WB and took some pics while Laura was on the ground waving.  You can see the outline of the house in the footer ditches.

Friday, June 3, 2011

In the bucket

Laura's in the bucket. Guess this is where you end up when you fall off the wagon. Actually, this is what Mark the Excavator used to create what Rich keeps referring to as "our big-ass hole." The picture on the left IS the big-ass hole.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A big hole

The hole is underway.  Mark says it's the deepest basement he's dug in 20 years.  At the deep part it looks to be about 18 feet deep.  It's pretty great.

Digging Walnut Bank

We're off and running.  The digging started yesterday and it was awesome.