Sunday, September 25, 2011

September update

So much cool stuff has happened sinc eour last entry. The yard on the river side was graded and seeded with grass, which is already coming up; Rich's detached concrete garage was built; we got locks on the doors, so now we're taking over construction of the inside of the house.
We brought (and bought) some very cool tools, including a 57-year-old Delta Unisaw table saw. It purrs like a kitten. (Pictured here standing ready in what will eventually be our bedroom.) Laura spent a week putting a clear finish on the beautiful cedar boards that will eventually line the ceiling. Rich started installing lighting in the basement in preparation to instal the floor heating, wiring, etc, that will soon eminate from the basement. We buned the brisu on the road-side yard so that the septic system can be dug, scheduled to start tomorrow if the weather allows.
The next big project for our contractor Dave will be to have the cedar siding put on the house and after that getting the rooffin completed. Dave's been great; we'll get a picture of him here if we can catch him standing still.
We've also added a photo taken through the front door, from where you see through the house to the river.